Adolescents - Athlete’s Foot; Women’s health - Is my Thyroid OK?

  • Jennifer Albrich Amayeza Info Services
Keywords: Adolescents - Athlete’s Foot, Women’s health - Is my Thyroid OK?


Athlete’s foot is a common condition that can occur due to superficial infection of the skin with a fungus from the Trichophyton species. Despite the name, this infection does not necessarily only affect athletes! It can affect any person that is exposed to the fungus. The incidence of athlete’s foot is higher in men than in women, and can usually be treated with over-the-counter antifungal products. Women's Health The thyroid is a large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland situated in the neck. The metabolism of every cell is dependant upon thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. If thyroid levels should increase, for example, the activity in the cells is also increased. More energy is used up, fat and protein stores are mobilised and even though the appetite can increase, weight decrease may occur.
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