Focus on vitamins, Immune Boosters & the Flu Vaccine

  • Joy Zuccaroli Amayeza Info Services
Keywords: vitamins, immune boosters, flu vaccine


Our food contains fewer nutrients today than even 20 years ago. This is because soils have become depleted and the necessary soil nutrients have not been replaced. As a result, even people who are eating the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables a day (i.e. 8 to 10 servings), are quite possibly not getting the essential nutrients required for the optimal functioning of the body. Furthermore, stress - whether physical as in sportsmen or mental as in work pressures - leads to increased requirements for vitamins and minerals. Since the body does not make vitamins and minerals, they must either form part of the diet or be taken in as supplements to the diet.

Author Biography

Joy Zuccaroli, Amayeza Info Services
B.Pharm Amayeza Info Services