Vascular Ulcer Management focusing on Compression

  • Liezl Naude WHASA
Keywords: Vascular Ulcer Management, Compression


The impact of Compression Therapy on leg ulcer healing over the past 20 years has been quite significant, and cannot be ignored. The reality in clinical practice is that real improvements in outcome have only been seen in more recent years (Moffatt CJ 1992) (Cullum NA 2001). As mentioned by Christine Moffatt in 2007 there may be several reasons why this has occurred, but the most important are the technological advances in compression therapy, a greater understanding of the physiological mechanisms of compression ((EWMA) European Wound Management Association 2003) and also a concerted effort to introduce compression into clinical practice in many parts of the world.

Author Biography

Liezl Naude, WHASA
B Cur (Pretoria), M Cur (Pret) Certificate Wound Care (UOFS) Certificate Wound Care (University of Hertfordshire) President of the Wound Healing Association of Southern Africa
Wound care/Stoma care