Bacterial vaginosis and Candida vulvovaginitis

  • S Davis Amayeza Information Services
Keywords: Bacterial vaginosis, Candida vulvovaginitis, vaginal discharge


Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age,1 implicated in 40–50% of cases, and is not associated with inflammation, hence the term vaginosis and not vaginitis.2,3 Candida vulvovaginitis (CVV), accounts for 20–25% of cases of problematic vaginal discharge. Vulvovaginitis, or inflammation of the vulva and vagina,2 is defined as any condition with symptoms of vaginal discharge, odour, irritation, or burning, and most commonly occurs secondary to infectious agents.2,3 These two conditions have different characteristics and risk factors and need to be treated differently. This article will discuss the signs, symptoms, risk factors and treatment of BV and CVV. 

Author Biography

S Davis, Amayeza Information Services

